Remember just a short few months ago when school ended and their rooms were in relative good order? What happened over the summer? The war zone that is your child’s room may actually be a manifestation of their current state of mind - their normal apprehension, stress, and anxiety about the future. There are many factors that contribute to their end-summer emotional state no matter what their age.
For recent college graduates it’s the first time in over a decade that they won’t be going back to school. “Summer” is over and adulthood, whatever form that is taking, is upon them. Insecurity over career choices, forming new connections, and what they call #adulting (I.e. all the things you used to do for them) are sources of normal post-college apprehension.
For college students the anxiety of living away in a new environment, balancing academic and social commitments, making decisions about friends and relationships, and dealing with you - their parents, are all sources of normal college stress.
For high schoolers there’s the constant hum of stress around friends, academics, romantic relationships, after school activities, applying for college, and staying safe in school.
You may think there isn’t much you can do to help your child ease the pain of these transitions but there is. A guided KonMari Session is a powerful tool that will help you child develop lifelong skills of self-care, mindfulness, intention, and organization so managing all their stuff doesn’t have to be on their list of overwhelming concerns.
The program involves visualizing the ideal lifestyle they dream of having, setting organizational goals, then sorting through, processing, and organizing all their personal possessions using the KonMari “Spark-Joy” Method with an experienced KonMari Certified Consultant. As your student’s coach, I will teach them the KonMari Method and guide them through the sorting process in a gentle, supportive, non-judgmental and strictly confidential way. This is a learnable skill that will last a lifetime.
We will “KonMari” by category starting with clothing and footwear, then books, papers, toiletries, textiles, and decorative items. We’ll end with sentimental items. The number of categories we can tidy is determined by how quickly your child works and the volume of things to be tidied. Sessions last 5-6 hours and include lunch and breaks as needed.
Recent graduates will sort and organize their possessions and personal space whether they share a space, or live alone. College-bound students will sort their possessions, organize their space at home, and pack the possessions that they need for school. High school students will sort and organize their possessions, and tidy their space at home. All can expect to feel energized, clear-minded, and prepared for the future!
Booking Fees:
1 Day Session - $350
2 Day Session - $550
After all the sorting, organizing, and tidying it will be time for your child to make their "new" space their own!
And start the year with a fresh perspective and a new set of organizing skills!
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) KonMari Session
If you are the student/former student and would like to try a DIY KonMari Session here is how you can help yourself:
1. Read “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo. It’s available at every library in both book and audio file format.
2. Visualize your ideal life. Imagine your ideal day, what your room looks like, your morning routine, the weather where you’ll be in the fall and winter, what you’ll wear, where you’ll go, what you’ll carry, and so on. Use your imagination and include as much detail as possible. This is a key step.
3. Gather all your clothing and put it on your bed. Follow the “clothing joy-check” sorting method in the book. Remove the clothing that no longer supports the lifestyle you envision. Fold what’s left and put it all away.
4. Follow the same method with your accessories, footwear, and jewelry. Thank your discards for their service and say goodbye.
5. Repeat the process with your books, then papers, then school supplies, and art supplies. Each category and how to sort it is described in detail here (link to site).
6. Next is Sundries: body and hair care, toiletries, make-up, and medicine.
7. Then Textiles: Select what you will need by way of towels, sheets, throws, and pillows.
8. Next you will need to select your favorite art and decorative items, electric items, and electronics. What sparks joy for you? A mirror, a light, a sentimental stuffed animal, trinket, or series of photos?
9. Find containers and pack it all up. IKEA blue plastic bags are great, duffle bags, a trunk, plastic bins, whatever is available and works for you.
If you REALLY want to spark joy, after you have sorted, discarded and organized your things, clean and vacuum your room and put everything away neatly. Not only will this make you feel good, it will be helpful to your parents, knowing they raised a competent and confident young adult who is particularly skilled in the art of an organized life!