About The KonMari Process
The KonMari Method of organizing was developed by Marie Kondo, world acclaimed Japanese organizer and author of the best selling books, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, and “Spark Joy”, as well as star of the Netflix series, “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo”.
I was drawn to the method for its positivity. Rather than discarding things in a negative way, it’s about keeping the things that you love, the things that support your vision for the lifestyle you want. You’ll learn to focus your intention, discover what supports your goals, and respectfully leave behind the things that don’t. It’s simple and life-changing. KonMari teaches that if you properly simplify and organize your home you’ll never have to do it again. Tidying is a special event, not a daily chore, leaving you the time and space to do more of what you love.
“A dramatic reorganization of the home causes correspondingly dramatic changes in lifestyle and perspective. It is life transforming.” - Marie Kondo
About Me
I’m proud to be one of only 45 Platinum-certified consultants in the world.
Let me start by saying that as an entrepreneur I’m used to a bit of chaos! A graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology, I started as an international product manager for a major retailer, became a corporate executive, founded my own design and manufacturing business as a supplier to the Garnet Hill Catalog, and then started an international online retail fabric store.
Somewhere between the fast-moving seasons in interior and fashion design, I married a pilot and had two amazing daughters. Perhaps like you, life got a bit out of control and the chaos became overwhelming. We accumulated the all the ‘right things’ and then I spent most of my time moving them from one place to the next trying to clear space!
One day I was ‘organizing’ things in my house, leaving boxes of discards in the hall. Over for lunch a friend told me about The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I bought the book that day and read it cover to cover. The sense of simplicity, calm, and joy it promised spoke to me as a designer. The following Sunday I KonMari’d my clothing. It took 12 hours start to finish, and I was hooked. That was April 2016. By August of 2016 I attended the first KonMari Consultant Training Course in NYC and became the first certified consultant in Massachusetts, #12 in the world.
Using the KonMari Method, I freed myself and my family from decades of accumulated clutter. It took me two years to complete all of the categories, and in the end I disposed of about 75% of our unwanted, unneeded possessions. The result is a simpler, more mindful lifestyle with deeper connections, relationships, experiences, and choices that reflect my values as an individual and ours as a family. I’m still very much a work in progress but I’m passionate about living a lifestyle of intention.